Sunday, 24 July 2011

How to run a Productive Meeting:

I have a great habit of reading great news article, one of such is the latest post written by Ethan on avoiding vampire meetings. Well I decided to share some of the tips that I read in order as to how a productive meeting and business dating can be organized. These tips in the form of points are mentioned below.

 Circulating the Agenda:
Always remember that the agenda and planned steps for the making a meeting must get circulated between the participants. This helps in making the mind of the participants clear as to what topic is going to be discussed and for what purpose they are here for.

 Theme of the Meeting:
Always remember that what all meeting and business dating you organize it must be having a theme in order to make the agenda clear before the participants.
 Selecting time of Beginning, Ending and Breaks:  
Remember one key point always when you are in a meeting remember that no one can keep on listening to words. Every one requires a break in between in order to boast up energy. With in a meeting keep your conversations as brief as possible and try to end things as quickly as possible.
 Scheduling Guests:
One thing is for sure when ever you invite a guest don’t keep him to keep on talking for hours and hours. Try only to introduce such guests who can make the agenda clear other than confusing other.
Sticking to Targets:
Always stick to the targets that have to be achieved at the end of the meeting and keep on moving towards them at a constant pace.

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