Sunday, 26 June 2011

How to become a successful entrepreneur:

There is nothing denying this fact that every Entrepreneur has got his own ideas through which he or she travels on the road to success. According to the article posted in Gulf News it has short listed some of the most valuable tips and traits an entrepreneur which in the Entrepreneur Network must have in order to reach the height and fame of success. These are explained below.

1. No value to timing:
Sim Whatley the founder of the JC Butler who had the wisdom in launching more and test less says that regardless of the features and expansions it better to get something out of the door rather then to spend all time waiting something perfect to take place.

2. First genius idea, not being important
Be assured when you are going to stepping the world of Entrepreneurship you are going to be having a thousand of ideas and its not important that the your first genius idea can take you to the peaks of success. An entrepreneur has to keep on thinking and making decisions and ideas through their live in order to remain successful. 

3. Social Networks being important
As each and every one of us know that social marketing gets noticed, so an entrepreneur should be hiding his thoughts and what ever he is up too from the world in order to successful. Along with this the help of social networks like facebook, twitter can help in getting new brands and expanding businesses.     

Announcement of Entrepreneur for the year

The coalition chamber of Corvallis Benton named Jane Humphreys as the Entrepreneur for the year 2010-2011 at the annual meeting held at Gross Stadium on the June the 16th 2011. Jane Humphreys is well known for running a shop with her sister by the name of Crossing Shopping Center. She got selected as the best entrepreneur by the team of volunteers for her rapid expansion which she showed on the Monroe Avenue back in February 2010. 

Jane has been supporting and participating in various projects where she has been donating money and supplies to many hospitals and schools as well. In an interview with the Corvallis Benton group they told that they had been impressed by Jane and her commitment towards the welfare of the society has resulted in becoming a successful Entrepreneur. She has won the hearts of many and is well known in the business community. The story of Jane Humphrey is a role model for every young entrepreneur with in the Entrepreneur Network to follow and reach the doors of success. 

8 Reasons as to why each Entrepreneur should be having his own Blog:

Below mentioned are some of the main reasons as to why each entrepreneur with in the global entrepreneur network community must be having his own blog. Along with what all are the benefits that an Entrepreneur can reap out from having a blog.

1.  The best thing about blogging is that it helps you in meeting new people.
2. Helps in meeting smart people
3. Each article which you publish helps in getting response and feedback from other entrepreneurs.
4. Helps in getting anew co founder or a potential investor.
5 Writing helps in generating enthusiasm and passion along with building an industry to write about.
6. Helps broad minding your experience and gaining knowledge.
7. By writing you can get a chance to get experience regarding domain expertise and so on.
8. Helps in making and getting communication must clear along with synthesizing your thoughts and making your actions visible to achieve your goals.

Going for Long Term Planning for Home Business Solutions

Well its very important to consider USP for home based business solutions. The USP can deal in a variety of ways in keeping you on a different track than your competitors. It helps in making the customer mind to choose home based businesses in order to go for similar products and services being offering by competitors.    

The formulated USP can be as easy as positioning. If all of your competitors are involved in selling products at a low quality and in discounts then you should consider the option of home based solution to sell your products to high profile customer, with much superior products.

There may be many ways as to by which a person can formulate a USP and play a vital role in success of a home based business. These USP help in creating a trust worth startup partner for your business and help getting ever lasting profits that you once dreamed off.

Failure of more than 95% of all Home Based Businesses:

This is one of those stories that are told much too often. This story is a result of an entrepreneur dreams being left far behind in the race of the cooperate world. It’s too common now a days that 95% of the worlds business fail with in the first year of there operation. This story sounds to be disturbing but is true. Of every 100 Entrepreneurs from the entrepreneur network starting a home business a full of 95 of them will fail with in one year.

There are many reasons as to what contribute towards leading a home based business in to a failure. Most commonly decisive actions are the culprits for leading a business in to a failure. There may be other weakness and underlying deficiency that also prove as taking a business towards a failure. So if one wants his home business to stand out fro the rest and be successful he should make such actions on which he has a believe he can make them come true and enjoy a ever lasting treat for his efforts.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

An Entrepreneurial Success Story:

Well its time to hear from Jon Giganti who became popular by writing the post of 9 Rules for building meaningful relationship. By an estimate this post of Jon has been liked by many users on facebook and is nothing more than a success story for all Entrepreneurs living in the Entrepreneur Network.

This post written by Jon is going to be helping the young Entrepreneurs who have just started of their careers by providing them a direction as to what is their demand in the market and how they can work efficiently in making a business successful and providing ideas for future growth of a business. Stories like these are role model which every Entrepreneur must follow in order to achieve success. 

Student Mentorship Program to be Started By RPI:

Well in looking forward to RAA and the vice provost a total of 20 Alumni have been selected in order to for and providing training of Entrepreneurship to students who wish to build their careers as Entrepreneurs. This is an excellent chance for students who wish to gain an insight as to what it feels like to be a professional entrepreneur. Months of training along with mentoring and campus visits would be required in making these students to stand out with the other entrepreneurs in the world.    

Student having outstanding academic record can go in and get them self involved in the activities of Entrepreneurship in order to gain experience. The alumni who would be providing the mentorship to these students among the Entrepreneur Network must be having the below mentioned qualities.   

1. Must be a responsible person in looking after the prime interests of others.
2. Should be an experienced entrepreneur
3. Must have knowledge about organizational behaviors.
4. Must be aware of cultural trends.

Five Attributes of a Successful Entrepreneur:

A successful entrepreneur is what everyone wants to be here are five key attributes that suggests how you can be one. The most important thing that an entrepreneur out of the Entrepreneur Network must have is to be adventurous he should be of a nature to explore things and have interest in finding new things.

An entrepreneur should also be dependable and stable. He should be able to deliver high quality work within a set time, and always be a model for emotional intelligence. Another quality that he must have is to be vigilant and observant he should be able to look at the world through the lens of problem recognition and opportunity.

Being a team player is also an important trait for an entrepreneur he should have teamwork skills, the opportunity to be an individual and have a role within that team, as well as the opportunity to take risks.

Building a Business

There may be many steps as to what all get involved in going and building a business. But what required as an essential is to kwon as what are the important building phases without which building a business can be successful.     

Well the first step as to what gets involved in building a business is an idea, as to where to begin and start operation. As long as you have an idea no matter what happens your business cant fail. This is reason as to why the best Entrepreneurs form the Entrepreneur Network are hired in developing business ideas that would keep the company forefront than all of there competitors.    

Well the second step is the step of Research. This is an important step as to this is all what your business will emphasize on. There may be many troubles as to what you are going to find and experience in the phase of research. But believe you me when this stage is over it’s the time for packing your bags and start earning profits.

After the step of research design and development of your product, the design and development means as to how your product will look and how the product is going to be mass produced.

After this lies the steps of Business Development in making clients and evaluating your product form the customer eye as how useful they find your product. If you abide by all the above mentioned step surely there is nothing in the world that can stop you form taking your business to the new peaks and ladders of success.   

How to build a Business with back end products:

A Back End Products are those products that are used to sell to your end customers. Well their may be many ways in order to attract a customer and promote ones business. But this stands as one of the most expensive way in getting business due to the marketing costs getting higher and higher with each passing day.     

Well according to the Fortune Magazine it states that it is five times cheaper to sell an existing product to a current customer than in order to go for and find new marketing prospects. Thus by adding new products and selling those to the existing clients proves to be the best way in increasing profits and giving ones business the best startup partner that one requires.   

Apart from this selecting a back end product also plays a vital role in building a business. The major factor involved in developing a back end product is keeping your major product with in service. An inconsistent product line cans easily rune your chances of staying in the market with other client. So there for caution is required as to when it comes to in selecting a new back end product and manufacturing it with the existing ones you currently have.     

Story of an Investors Journey:

Well the Entrepreneur Hours have encouraged several investors who are ready to raise the fund and understand the criteria in how to build a strong relationship.  Many Investors are looking forward in watching as to how this relationship between the Entrepreneur Network Community and the Investors can proceed. With the journey being covered by the time the funds gets raised there will be around 20 to 30 investors who will be keeping an update regarding the entrepreneur community.

 Austin Ventures is most likely to be one of the investors. They have been dedicated and have been supporting the Entrepreneur Network community in the past as well. It is expected that the final count down on how many investors have decided to step up in supporting the Entrepreneur Network would be known by Friday the 18th of February. 

Sunday, 12 June 2011

The Top Next Model for Energy Entrepreneurs

Well the department of Energy recently posted that have the prime interest in Next Top Model from the SBIT participants. As being a part of the Obama’s administration Startup America Initiative and Steven Chu the US secretary announced that the America’s Top Energy Innovator challenge has started that will give rise to several opportunities along with bringing a blind business of $1,000 for national laboratories.

In order to quick start the challenge on 2nd May 2011 Monday the department posted a streamlined post template as an online agreement for the social entrepreneur network taking part in the competition. The Entrepreneurs would have to identify the technology of interest that is going to help them carry out this business plan. The timeline for this competition is going to be until December 15 in order for the entrepreneurs to submit their report to the laboratory.       

Dan Rossi announced as the New Executive Director of NWEN:

With an expedited and a through full search the Northwest Entrepreneur Network finally announced as Dan Rossi being the new Executive Director. In an interview with Shannon Swift the NWEN board’s chairperson told that, we wanted a person with a unique combination and attributes for this key position: The person should be having leadership quality, passion, and entrepreneurial empathy along with being able to have a long term relationship with the entrepreneurial community.

Dan Rossi earned his MBA degree from the university of Washington back in 2010, apart from this he was the co founder and Chief of Revenue Office of Nanocel. The won the 2009 UW Business plan Competition and was the finalist in the NWEN’s own First Look Forum.  He also has served as an accounts executive with the Seattle Times and Morris Visitors Publications. Rossi has been a proud member for the NEWN and with him becoming the executive director is going to help NWEN, in taking to new ladders and peaks of success.  

RPI seeking entrepreneurs to Mentor Students

Well the RAA is looking forward for 20 Alumni for performing Entrepreneur work with the vice provost of the Entrepreneurship to students who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. For becoming professional entrepreneurs they will be requiring months of mentoring, training and visits to campus for face to face sittings and discussions with various students and professionals.

Well this stands as an excellent opportunity for academic students to get involved in Entrepreneurial activities and gain experience in real life. The mentors who are required for this Entrepreneur Network to start working must be having the following characteristics.
1. Must be willing and caring along with being sincere to the prime interests of others.
2. Must be an experienced in entrepreneurship
3. Should be having knowledge about organizational and business behaviors.
4. Should be aware of the cultural trends, career related stuff along with other stuff as well.
5. Should be committed for advantages in a diverse perspective.