Sunday, 12 June 2011

RPI seeking entrepreneurs to Mentor Students

Well the RAA is looking forward for 20 Alumni for performing Entrepreneur work with the vice provost of the Entrepreneurship to students who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. For becoming professional entrepreneurs they will be requiring months of mentoring, training and visits to campus for face to face sittings and discussions with various students and professionals.

Well this stands as an excellent opportunity for academic students to get involved in Entrepreneurial activities and gain experience in real life. The mentors who are required for this Entrepreneur Network to start working must be having the following characteristics.
1. Must be willing and caring along with being sincere to the prime interests of others.
2. Must be an experienced in entrepreneurship
3. Should be having knowledge about organizational and business behaviors.
4. Should be aware of the cultural trends, career related stuff along with other stuff as well.
5. Should be committed for advantages in a diverse perspective.

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